Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Do" Season

We often hear people talk about their "due" season. Specifically, your due season is based on actions. A farmer reaps a harvest based on what he actually plants and not what he thinks about planting. In reference to the Holy Bible, we find many examples of people who reaped rewards or came into their season by virtue of their actions. One was David. David didn't just talk about the giant, he took five smooth stones and by the power of God, he killed this "uncircumcised Philistine". In the book of Esther, we also find that Esther did not let her ethnicity deter her from saving her people. She did not just talk about the king, she went and talked to him, thereby gaining his favor, and subsequently saving her people. When you take action, coupled with faith in God, you have just decided your season. The formula is action + faith = season. Your time is "now". Its your "do" season!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Create This!

Just as "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth" according to Genesis1:1 in the King James Version of the Bible, we too, have creative power. We can speak to situations and circumstances and by virtue of our faith in God, we can witness a turnaround due to the creative power of words. Ephesians 4:29 states "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." Not only do your words create good things in your own life, but they also affect those around you.It is incredible to see how situations in your life and in the lives of others, line up with what comes out of your mouth. Instead of creating chaos, you can create peace. Instead of hate, you can create love. Instead of hopelessness and despair, you can create joy. As we speak blessings over ourselves, our loved ones and the world, we will see miracles unfold:the blind will see; the lame will walk; the poor will prosper. The creative power of words is further substantiated by brain research. The more something is repeated, the more new neural pathways are created in the brain. (Isn't God awesome?!)Its similar to the fact that even a tiny stream of water will crack concrete if it drips on it long enough.The more you speak into your own life and into the lives of others the more certain the manifestation of what you speak. If you want success, healing, abundance, prosperity,etc., in your life, by virtue of your affirmations or what you say, you can create this! Proverbs18:21a- "Life and death are in the power of the tongue."The power is in your mouth!Use it wisely!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The DeCarlo Files: Togetherness

The DeCarlo Files: Togetherness


There is something very spiritual about people coming together as one unit. The bible gives many examples of togetherness. One example is Moses and Aaron. Although Moses could not speak because of a speech impediment, his brother, Aaron, spoke for him. Because of this union, the plan for Moses' life was fulfilled, for he was predestined to lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt. Yet, he could not carry out the plan without the accompanying of his brother. This is a prime example of how togetherness can propel one to destiny, but so often, our egos prompt us to go it alone. We don't want to involve anyone, or we think that we can do everything all by ourselves, but so often this just isn't true. Sometimes our shortcomings will not allow us to accomplish the goals that we hope to reach. Sometimes we need help to do what we desire.Although one may have a great purpose, this purpose may not be fulfilled without aligning oneself with another who can supply the missing ingredient. Maybe, one's mission is to save the whales, or help the homeless, or some other monumental and valiant task. Alone , one may fall short of the fruition of this dream, but joining forces with another who has resources that can be added to the fulfillment of the seemingly impossible may prove to be the golden answer.

A New Day!

Today is a new day filled with new possibilities, new hope and new adventures. This day is different than any other day. It is here now and will never pass again. It is a day to cherish, to laugh in, to share with others. This day is full of whatever you want it to be. If you think joyfully on this day, you will have joy. If you think lovingly on this day, you will have love. If you think peacefully on this day, you will have peace. What a marvelous gift this day is. It is like a package all tied up with a beautiful bow. Just like a birthday present, one must receive it with expectancy that whatever is inside will be good. Referring to Psalms 118:24," This is the day which the Lord hath made;we will rejoice and be glad in it!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Canvas of Life

11:43 AM What I truly love about life is that it is like a canvas. It is up to you what colors you use to paint on it. You can use big splashes of color, shades of blue, dashes of red to show your boldness and vision, drops of pink to show your softness, scarlet hearts to show your love or whatever colors you choose. It's all up to you. Nobody can tell you how to hold your brush or how much to paint. God gave each of us a paint brush but its your choice as to what you will paint. Will you paint a masterpiece or a mess? The brush is in your hands!!