Saturday, January 26, 2013


There is something very spiritual about people coming together as one unit. The bible gives many examples of togetherness. One example is Moses and Aaron. Although Moses could not speak because of a speech impediment, his brother, Aaron, spoke for him. Because of this union, the plan for Moses' life was fulfilled, for he was predestined to lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt. Yet, he could not carry out the plan without the accompanying of his brother. This is a prime example of how togetherness can propel one to destiny, but so often, our egos prompt us to go it alone. We don't want to involve anyone, or we think that we can do everything all by ourselves, but so often this just isn't true. Sometimes our shortcomings will not allow us to accomplish the goals that we hope to reach. Sometimes we need help to do what we desire.Although one may have a great purpose, this purpose may not be fulfilled without aligning oneself with another who can supply the missing ingredient. Maybe, one's mission is to save the whales, or help the homeless, or some other monumental and valiant task. Alone , one may fall short of the fruition of this dream, but joining forces with another who has resources that can be added to the fulfillment of the seemingly impossible may prove to be the golden answer.

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